Tikkun Olam

IMG_1173Tikkun Olam—loosely translated in Hebrew as “repairing the world”—is a call to all of us to perform positive acts to help make the world a better place. In answer to this call, The Salamander Group launched its corporate responsibility program—Tikkun Olam—in 2007. The program focuses specifically on the improvement of the local community with the belief that helping to ensure a healthy local community is the first step in healing the world at large. THINK GLOBAL, ACT LOCAL!

We do our part by donating a percentage of each client’s purchase to a local organization.

While the client is not being asked to make a donation, they are invited to choose which organization receives our donation from a menu of local foundations and charities, each of which promotes a better Aruba—and a better world—in its own unique way.

  • Autism Foundation
  • Bon Nochi Drumi Dushi
  • Clown Doctors Aruba
  • Fundacion pa Hende Muher den Dificultad
  • Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds voor de Kankerbestrijding
  • Mary Joan Foundation
  • Telefon pa Hubentud